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Tom Chiltern’s story

Tom spent years losing weight for races and then putting it back on again, the yo-you dieting was making him ill. In 2013 he gained control of his weight following the LighterLife Total plan. Tom’s been maintaining a consistent healthy weight ever since.


  • Weight lost – 1 stone
  • Length maintaining – 1 year
  • Weight loss plan– Lite
  • Followed Management plan or Fast – Fast


The popular racing driver has faced a constant battle with his weight since he was a toddler. By the age of four he was already 4st and by the time he was eight, he topped the scales at 8st 12lbs – the same weight as his mother.

‘I was so plump that when the other kids at school did a cross-country run, the teachers used to appoint me as marshal because they were worried about the effects on my joints…’

Now thanks to changing the way he thinks about food, Tom’s body can take the strain of tearing round a track at over 150mph so that he can follow his passion.

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