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Julia Leese lost 4st 9lbs on our TotalFast plan

Jools lost 4 stone and 9 pounds and has been maintaining since 2017

Julia lost weight to become the energetic, healthy mum her daughter needed.

  • Weight lost: 4st 9lb*
  • Weight loss plan: TotalFast
  • Followed by Management

“During a family holiday to Scotland in 2016. my now 8-year-old daughter, Alex, was excited to go horse riding and asked if I’d do it too. My first thought was that I couldn’t let her down, but I hadn’t ridden since my twenties and I wasn’t as slim as I was back then. As soon as we got there, the riding instructor took one look at me and swapped my horse. Out came a Shire horse replacement, a breed that is often used for heavy lifting or for carrying carts!

Whilst Alex was enjoying herself running around at soft play, I googled weight loss and I found LighterLife. What appealed to me the most was the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and the fact you were provided with the tools to cope with life after weight loss with their ongoing Management Plan. As soon as I got home, I called my local LighterLife Counsellor, Hazel, to get started. I couldn’t wait.

After almost five months on the LighterLife TotalFast Plan I’d dropped four dress sizes and was feeling more confident than ever. I wanted to lose weight so that I could be the energetic, healthy mum my daughter needed, and thanks to my weekly counselling group, I reached my goal. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them, as the level of emotional and psychical support you get is like no other. Learning about my food triggers and portion control has been key to keeping the weight off.

The future is bright

I’ve been managing my weight successfully for over a year now and I can honestly say there’s not one aspect of my life that hasn’t been improved by LighterLife.

After a six-year engagement, my partner and I got married in September. I have such a brighter outlook on life and I can’t wait to see what our future holds. I enjoy my life so much more with my daughter now – we even go running together!”

*Each of our client’s results and stories are unique to them and their experience of LighterLife. Your own results will be personal to you and may vary.