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I’m absolutely loving getting new gear – I think I’m the King of “Vinted”!

Having tried other diets in the past with no real success, I was feeling increasingly unhappy at being in size 42 trousers and XXL t-shirts, which were all beginning to feel tight.

Why did I choose LighterLife?

I’d also tried LighterLife once before but, after I’d finished the programme, I reverted to my original eating and drinking routine and put the weight back on. This time though I feel I have a completely different mindset.

And I like the simplicity of not having to think and plan meals, as well as how quickly the plan works. I could feel the benefits within a month.

Starting TotalFast

I started TotalFast at the end of January 2024, weighing in at nearly 19 stone. By the end of May, I’d lost just over 5 stone and weighed 13 stone 5lbs!

Initially, I didn’t feel particularly hungry, and sometimes I even enjoyed the feeling of being empty, almost clean, and full of energy.

I’ve moved onto the Management programme now, with conventional food choices, although I still incorporate LighterLife Foodpacks from time to time – like the Porridge FastPots and the Pancakes, which were a total game changer.

Mentoring, Mindfulness, and support

Although I didn’t attend any group sessions as I felt they weren’t really for me, my Mentor, Debbie, was always available if I needed help or advice, without being overly pushy. And mentally I feel I’m in a much better place than before.

How do I feel now? What can I do that I couldn’t before?

I used to take a 40/42 in trousers, which were still quite snug, whereas now I’m a 32 waist. And my shirts and jumpers were XXL but now I’m M, or L if I want loose fit. So, I’m absolutely loving getting new gear – I think I’m the King of “Vinted”!

What else? I can walk the dog further and faster than ever before, as well as keep up with my wife (who can walk particularly fast). And I can cut my toenails without feeling like I’m going to have a heart attack… Overall, I just feel fitter, more confident, and healthier.

Would I recommend LighterLife?

Absolutely – to date, I’ve referred two friends and my sister, who are all on the TotalFast plan!