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16 Kg Weight Loss Transformation with LighterLife – Caroline’s Story

Caroline lost 16kg with LighterLife

After being diagnosed with cancer in my late 20s and undergoing treatment, I went into early menopause at 30. Although I’d always struggled with my weight, after all these health issues, I just kept putting more on. My doctors told me the impacts of being heavier were huge for my health. And in addition to that, the aftereffects of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy had resulted in several other health issues that I needed to manage.

Being overweight wasn’t only another burden for my body to cope with, it was also impacting my ability to do things I really enjoy, like exploring the countryside. And mentally it was very depressing, I felt so unhappy every time I looked in the mirror.

Why did I choose LighterLife?

I’d tried all the standard diets, vitamins, and exercise too many times to remember. Then I tried LighterLife for the first time when a colleague at work had success with the programme.

I was the “perfect” student the first time around and lost about 32kg, not defaulting once, but what I didn’t apply enough of was the lessons I had learnt from the CBT. When my weight crept back on, over a long period of time, I knew that LighterLife was the perfect solution for me.

I love the fact that in ketosis you don’t crave sugar, which is my biggest addiction, and the CBT, if fully embraced, can be life-changing in terms of how you approach food in the future. It can change the way you think long-term, thus giving you more chance of success to live a full and happy life, without food controlling your thoughts.

Mentoring and Mindfulness

Ketosis from a physical point of view kept me in control, but the main factor in my success has been the weekly CBT Mindfulness sessions. The topics are always so educational, and can be challenging in a good way. I have really applied myself this time to learning about my behaviour, and why I act the way I do.

The CBT sessions help you to question your beliefs about food, and provide fantastic insight into how your mind works. I always take notes during each one so I have a “toolkit” to look back at. I glean a lot of interesting and good ideas from the other participants too, and I feel that you get from the sessions what you’re prepared to put in.

My Mentor, Lisa, has been brilliant at encouraging participation and helping me not to berate myself but to be curious about my behaviour, challenge my thinking, and ask myself enquiring questions.

I love that Lighter life offers this additional support. And there’s no judgement, only support. We all wish we could wave a magic wand and become slim, but LighterLife helps you take ownership of your behaviour, stops you behaving like a child, and helps you grow as a person.

I know from my past experience that without this support and these tips, although I would lose weight, I wouldn’t grow my knowledge to help me in the long term. Now I understand more about myself, and my destructive behaviour which led me to become overweight.

I definitely benefit from my Mentor’s WhatsApp group too. We share encouragement and insights, plus it’s fab to be able to celebrate other people’s successful weight loss journeys. Family and friends have also been very supportive, although I try not to talk to them too much about it as I need to own this myself, and I’d rather speak to my Mentor for advice.

Following the plan

I started back on TotalFast on 15th July 2024, and the first three days were the hardest. Water was my best friend (and still is). I just kept repeating to myself something my Mentor had asked me, “How do I want to feel tomorrow?” And this really got me through.

I tried not to think beyond the next 12 hours until the ketosis kicked in. I also gave myself an immediate routine with my water and packs, I cleared my diary of commitments other than work, and I went to bed super early so I didn’t feel too tired. Then my energy levels kicked in

To date I’ve lost 16kg – although if we count me from my heaviest many years ago then it’s just over a 30kg weight loss! And I plan to lose a further 4.5kg before moving on to the Management plan.

The Chocolate Shake is my absolute go to. I have it hot with a shot of coffee in a massive mug every morning as my breakfast. And it’s like a “hug in a mug”, it warms me up, it keeps me satisfied until around 1.30-2pm, and it’s delicious.

What’s changed for me now that I’ve lost my weight?

I am happy, and that happiness is infectious to others. I’m more sociable because I’m not embarrassed about bumping into people. I participate more, and I’ve found that instead of being in my head berating myself or analysing my own thoughts about the food I’ve eaten that day, I’m enjoying life again.

I’m talking to people instead of worrying or hating myself, wondering what others were thinking about me. I’m more confident, I enjoy chatting, and I’m not hiding away so much. I am a work in progress and I know I have to keep focused on my goals, but I am so proud of the changes I am making and have made.

Although I always walked my dog regularly, every step was an effort and I would avoid going to places if they had a hill, so everything had to work around how hard I was going to find it. Honestly, I was quite lazy at home and couldn’t be bothered to do anything because I felt tired all the time.

Now I’ve become so much more engaged in daily activities, from household chores, running up the stairs, putting the bins out, gardening, being outdoors more, to parking further away from the supermarket instead of the closest spot I could find. All the small things that impacted my life are now so much easier to manage.

My increased energy and mobility means I can climb hills, ride a bike, and go for longer walks without feeling the strain on my body. I intend to start running, and am looking at exercise classes, and strength training – who knows what this might lead to!

I honestly cannot emphasise enough the immense joy and happiness I feel when I go into my wardrobe and choose an outfit, any outfit, as I know it will fit me, and I will feel great. I like looking in the mirror now, and I love having my photo taken at last!

I bought so many clothes throughout my yo-yo diet history and the pleasure at now being able to fit into the outfits I longed to wear is fantastic. I hadn’t appreciated how miserable and unhappy I was about the clothes I used to wear when I was looking to hide my legs, my body, and to be invisible. I was so self-conscious. How sad is that?

Now, I feel so good, so happy, and so energised. I am experimenting with what styles suit me, I feel younger, and I can wear things I only dreamed about before.

What have I learned?

Rather than trying to be “perfect”, berating myself, and catastrophising a situation, I am now curious about why I have behaved in a certain way that negatively impacts my weight and my eating plan. What is really going on in my head? Is it stress, tiredness, or something else? Then I write a few notes about it, to help me get to the bottom of it, which helps calm me down.

After that, I do a series of deep breaths whilst internally repeating a positive mantra to remind myself of my why. I recognise now that a slip up or a negative decision in that moment doesn’t mean I‘ve undone all my hard work. I can learn from it, continue the rest of my day as planned, and put it behind me, looking forwards not backwards.

What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife.

Firstly, I would say to stop thinking about it and start, because the sooner you do the sooner you will feel the benefit. Get into a routine with drinking water and add some of the LighterLife Drink Mix flavourings, as these are your lifelines to keep you energised. If you follow the plan you will soon be in ketosis and this will reduce your hunger and your cravings.

BUT the other crucial part of this process is the CBT. Put the weekly meeting date in your diary and commit to it. Attend as often as you can because the Foodpacks are only part of the journey, the CBT is the long term solution to help you keep the weight off.

Participate, be brave, throw caution to the wind, and trust in the process. You will be amazed at what you learn about yourself and it will not only help you but will positively impact your relationships with others too.