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LighterLife Stylus Pen


Record your weight loss on your phone or tablet with your very own LighterLife Stylus Pen – a handy reminder of how far you’ve come.

SKU: 30260 Categories: ,


Why do I need a LighterLife Stylus Pen?

What better way to fill out your electronic Weight Tracker than with your very own Stylus Pen? Keep it by your phone and/or tablet, so you’ve always got something to hand to record your weight loss progress, and to remind you of how far you’ve come.

And keep it handy to fill in your weekly Meal Planner while you’re on your TotalFast very low calorie diet (VLCD), and when you progress to your Management plan.

Key Benefits

  • Easy to keep in your bag when on the go or away from home.
  • More accurate than your fingertips, making it ideal for drawing, taking notes, and other precise tasks across all your other Apps. 
  • Will help keep touchscreens clean and free of germs. 

Top Tips

Additional information

Weight 0.0000 g


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