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LighterLife tangy smoked mackerel pâté

This could be the easiest light meal you’re ever likely to make, but it’s also one of the most delicious and so quick to put together that it makes a great lunch if you’re in a hurry. Serve it simply with a crisp salad or, if you want to make this low fat pâté more substantial, spread it on a slice of nutty, whole-grain bread and garnish with some cherry tomatoes.Preparation: 5 minutesServes: 2Per serving: 282 kcal, 17g protein, 13g carbs, 18g fat


  • 115g (4oz) smoked mackerel fillet (approximately 1 medium fillet)
  • 60g (2oz) quark or virtually fat-free fromage frais
  • ½ teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon snipped chives
  • mixed salad leaves or toasted bread, to serve


  1. Carefully remove any bones from the smoked mackerel fillet, and discard the skin.
  2. Put the smoked mackerel in a food processor or blender with the quark or fromage frais, balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. Add a grinding of black pepper – just enough to taste.
  3. Blitz briefly until all the ingredients are combined to a smooth mixture. If you don’t have a food processor or blender, just mix in a pestle and mortar, although the pâté may have a rougher texture.
  4. Mix in the chives and then press the smoked mackerel mixture into a small dish or two individual ramekins, then cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator until required.
  5. Serve the pâté with some mixed salad leaves or spread it on toast.


  • This recipe is incredibly quick to make but if you’re really short on time you can easily buy boneless smoked mackerel fillets, which will save you having to fish out all the little bones.
  • If you’ve bought a packet of smoked mackerel you can use up any remaining fillets the next day in a delicious salad. Have a look at the salad dressing recipes on page 139 for some ideas.

 Or… For a special occasion, make a smoked salmon pâté in the same way. Use smoked salmon trimmings, which are cheaper than slices, and blitz them in a blender with quark. Flavour with black pepper and some chopped fresh dill. Delicious!