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Home / Success Stories & Blog / Success Stories / I’ve learned that I’m the only person who is responsible for who I am. I can choose to live the journey I’ve started and be the me I’m really very proud of.

I’ve learned that I’m the only person who is responsible for who I am. I can choose to live the journey I’ve started and be the me I’m really very proud of.

Sam lost 4 stone in 4 months

I’ve been on various diets since I was 16, and I’ve tried them all, even old fashioned calorie counting, but I needed a short sharp kick start to healthy eating. Historically, I’ve had a very broken relationship with eating, but LighterLife allows me to “break up with food”, to “divorce” the me that uses eating to replace love. 

I’d lost weight on LighterLife before, but I didn’t follow the Management plan. This time around, I’m very much planning for Management already.  

Following the plan

Going back onto TotalFast I was euphoric and relieved that at last I’d done something positive, and was going to be less ashamed of what I’d let myself become. Straight away I felt more positive. Any hunger pangs just reminded me my body had started the process of fat burning. My favourite Foodpack has to be the Porridge pot. It’s hot, filling, delicious, and there’s no washing up.

Mindfulness and Mentor Support

My Mentor, Hazel, has been amazing. She’s not just a Tuesday evening chat, she’s there every day if I need her. She’s fun, but understands my need for a regime, and she always encourages me. 

I felt comfortable straight away in her wonderful closed group. The weekly mindfulness topics were relevant and interesting, and Hazel made it about us. I’ve been able to discuss my crooked thinking and feelings, which has made me realise I’m one of many and by addressing it we‘ve laughed and cried a bit together. 

Hazel has been completely honest and transparent with us about her own ongoing journey and that has been not only an incentive but also a wake up call that the Management plan is for life.

The LighterLife Facebook community group is also great, it’s a place where you can shout out your feelings at 2am, or ask for advice, or brag a little if you’ve had a personal win.

My family has also been supportive, and I’ve been honest with everyone about my journey so when I say, “No,” they understand I mean No.

What have I learned from the LighterLife programme?

I’ve learned that I’m the only person who is responsible for who I am. I can choose to listen to and believe my negative thoughts and unnecessary influence and opinions of others, or I can choose to live the journey I’ve started and be the me I’m really very proud of. I am the boss of me.

My new lighter life

I started TotalFast on 6thJanuary and I’d lost 4 stone by 27th May, although I plan on losing another 4 lb before I start Management. I used to be a tight size 16 or comfy 18, but now I’m a comfy size 10!

I’m like a child in a sweetshop now. I can wear anything I want, I feel good, I know I look good, I walk taller, (I’m only 5ft 3” so that’s a laugh) and even my feet have shrunk so I can wear my heels again!

I can run again and I’m planning on taking up my pole classes again very soon. I have 3 grand-daughters so the extra energy will be a bonus. And I want to be a good role model for them, not be someone who encourages them to have an unhealthy relationship with food.

I’ve taken on a new job role that means I’m in an office full of people everyday. And I’m confident and happy to take on a more visible role, including Zoom and face-to-face meetings.

What would I say to someone thinking of joining LighterLife?

Do it! Make a commitment that you’re going to step out of your normal for 3, 4, 5 months and live LighterLife. If you want it to work, there’s no half measures, no cheat days. Commit 100% and it will work. Yes, it sounds harsh but, if you’re seriously ready to be the most amazing version of you, it’s worth it. 

Attend your meetings religiously and join the online Facebook community support group. These are people who will understand what you’re going through and it will be a truthful and honest place to turn to when you need it.