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Hayley’s Story

Well-known for giving advice and getting the unemployed back into work on her TV show, Hayley Taylor joined LighterLife in a bid to lose weight and has gone from a size 20 to a trim 14-16*.

Gaining weight reduced confidence

Hayley is known for her no-nonsense approach on her TV show, The Fairy Jobmother, but off camera she was suffering from a lack of confidence due to her weight gain.

“I felt like a hypocrite – I was helping people improve their confidence, but I hated my own reflection,” said Hayley.

Comfort eating

Hayley has always battled with her sweet tooth, but it wasn’t until she got her big TV break in 2009 that her weight really became a problem. As she managed her tough new schedule, she lived on takeaways and convenience foods, and turned to comfort eating to cope with nights away from her family.

“At first I didn’t notice the extra weight creeping on to my tummy and thighs,” she said. But cruel comments left by viewers online left her in no doubt that others had noticed. “I hated being judged so unfairly, but on TV there’s nowhere to hide,” she continues.

Finding LighterLife

Earlier this year Hayley decided enough was enough, and signed up to LighterLife. Inspired by Pauline Quirke’s weight loss, Hayley knew that the programme worked. “The first few days weren’t easy,” she admitted. “But the group sessions were very helpful, we talked about how our childhood experiences affect our attitude to eating. That’s when I realised my own problems were linked to being told to always finish everything on my plate as a child.”

Weight loss success

Since then she’s lost an impressive 3 stone and 1lb. Hayley says: “I’m happier and much more confident; I only wish I’d done it sooner”. She now manages her weight by eating salads and grilled meat, but allows herself the odd treat.

The LighterLife programme has changed Hayley’s attitude to food. Hayley says: “It’s not realistic to deny yourself everything. In restaurants, I’ll now order a side salad instead of chips, and I’ve cut out the takeaways and sweets.”


“I’m so proud of myself. It’s never too late to make a positive change.” finishes Hayley.

Hayley’s story has also featured in Woman magazine. Find out more here.

Watch Hayley’s LighterLife video diaries

If you want to find out more about Hayley’s LighterLife journey you can watch her video diaries on the LighterLife YouTube channel.

Each of our client’s results and stories are unique to them and their experience of LighterLife. Your own results will be personal to you and may vary.


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