After spending decades struggling with her weight, Glynis came to LighterLife in hope of reversing her type 2 diabetes.
- Weight lost: 4st 5lb*
- Weight loss plan: Total
- Followed by Management
“I struggled with my weight for a big part of my life, after my third child I just couldn’t shift the baby weight and my waist line continued to increase as the years went by.
In 2010 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I was told that this disease could be managed with diet and exercise, but no amount of dieting worked for me. I would always give it my best go but the losses were never sustained. When I was ‘eating healthy’ and following the recipes I would just end up hungry and grumpy and would inevitably fall back into familiar habits.
My lightbulb moment
Then in July 2019 I saw LighterLife on the TV and then I remembered my friend had success on this diet many years ago. I found a local Xpress meeting in Coventry run by mentor, Maria, and after getting signed off by my doctor I started the Total Plan. I loved that the plan didn’t involve any weighing or measuring, it was simply to have four LighterLife products each day and no other conventional food.
I found going along to the meetings each week so important. The room is filled with other like-minded people who just like you have struggled with their weight for much of their lives. It’s an open forum to discuss your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and it was just what I’d been looking for.
By the end of August, I’d lost 22lb and I was delighted when the results came back from my blood test to say my levels were normal – I’d reversed my type 2 diabetes! I was on top of the world and more motivated than ever to keep focused so I could lose the rest of the weight.
As the weeks went by I was buzzing with energy, the Foodpacks were giving my body all the nutrition it needed, and I just felt fitter and healthier every day. I love passing on my wisdom to the younger ladies in my group because I never want them to waste precious time, life is for living and not letting your weight hold you back!
I feel like a new woman
For years I avoided mirrors and looking down at my tummy, but I’ve gone from a dress size 20 to a svelte size 12 and I now can’t help looking twice at my reflection. Buying my first ever pair of knee-high boots in December felt amazing, for the first time in forever I didn’t have swollen legs and feet.
I put my success down to two things; my sheer determination and the support I got from Maria’s weekly meetings. My advice to someone just starting out on LighterLife is to not give up! Keep going because before you know it you will have lost an amazing amount of weight and leave with the tools to really keep it off for the long term. I’m proof that you CAN reverse your type 2 diabetes even if you’ve been on medication like I had. Finding the right weight-loss plan for you is the key. LighterLife has changed my life completely and I can’t recommend it enough!”