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Sharon lost 5st 5lb in 5 months in 2018 & has kept it off ever since


Sharon lost 5st 5lb in 5 months on our TotalFast plan and has been maintaining since 2018 on our Management plan. Here she shares an update on her story.

A new me! 

Sharon LighterLife Client Weight Loss Success Story

Sharon had been a classic yo-yo dieter just getting heavier as the years went by. But no more. What comes across loud and clear is that Sharon has got rid of her old pattern of going on and off diets. Before, she switched constantly between being the ‘good’ person, losing a bit then being the ‘bad person’ eating and drinking anything she wanted with no off-button. All this led to was weight gain.

“My whole outlook has changed, I’m so much happier. Today, I feel much more relaxed and I’m getting better at making time for myself. I also know now that I used to put myself at the bottom of the pile. Now I think about what I want, and I take time to look after myself. I’ve moved higher up the ladder of importance.

Sharon LighterLife Client Fast Weight Loss Success Story

“I think back before LighterLife, I thought I had to take care of everyone else first – now I know my family is important and so am I. I take two exercise classes a week and I make time for a weekly pamper session and a long soak in the bath. Everyone is better off because I am better off. The whole family is now all living a new more satisfying normal. There are health benefits for all of us.

Watch Sharon’s interview:

Sharon’s tips for staying on track

People will offer advice on how they think you should lose weight. I found it’s best to zone this out and stick to what you know is working. Have confidence in yourself.’

For getting through the first week

‘Initially, I was sceptical about TotalFast because I thought I’d be hungry but when ketosis kicked in, I was absolutely fine. Week one was tough, but losing the weight so quickly kept me going, and in no time, I was feeling amazing and much more energetic. The fast weight loss is motivating; it would have been a different story trying to lose 5st at just ½lb a week. My group and my Mentor Sharon have helped me see how I used to sabotage myself.’

We know losing weight can be tough, that’s why we have lots of support to help you on your journey. Get in touch with your personal Mentor by doing a postcode search here or emailing findmymentor@lighterlife.com