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Sharon Holloway lost 5st 5lbs in 5 months on TotalFast

After changing careers a number of years ago Sharon’s new routine wreaked havoc with her eating habits. Now over 5st lighter, she’s been maintaining her size 8 frame since July 2018 and is feeling better than ever.

  • Weight lost: 5st 5lb*
  • Weight loss plan: TotalFast
  • Followed by Management


“I started teaching eight years ago, and it really knocked me. I got up at ridiculous hours and worked all day. When I got home, the work didn’t stop, as I had two kids to look after. I started to eat for convenience and speed, and the weight crept on.

One of the moments I remember the most was Christmas 2017. My husband and I go to an annual dinner and dance with our friends every year, we get dressed up, book a hotel and I normally dance the night away, but this year was different. One of the women, a friend of ours, would not stop commenting on the size of my chest. I was aware that it was large, but having someone constantly comment, and then tell other people about it, really annoyed me. I ended up sitting at the table chatting to people, not dancing and letting my hair down as I usually would.

New Year, new me?

In January 2018 I went to the spa for the day with my sister. She was a LighterLife Mentor, and she, sensitively, asked me if I had considered trying it. I’d done every diet I could in the past, so I thought I would give it a go.

Before LighterLife, I was very much a completely all or nothing kind of person, I was either very strict or going mad, eating and drinking anything that I wanted when I wanted it. This type of mindset is what has caused me to yo-yo diet in the past. The difference with the LighterLife Programme, and the best thing about it, is the one-to-one support provided by my Mentor, Sharon, and the group sessions I have with her. The sessions use cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT) to help you realise where you are going wrong and help to undo all the bad habits you’ve created. This was so helpful in changing my mindset. It took me about three weeks to realise where I had been going wrong in the past, and when I look back at it now, it’s so simple.

Reaching my goal

After reaching my goal of 10st on LighterLife TotalFast. I followed the Management plan. In the middle of this I went to Mexico in August this year, and, rather than stressing over what I was eating, I made the Programme work for me.  I didn’t feel like I was depriving myself at all and had an amazing time. What was even better, is when I returned home, I had lost a further 7lb!

I feel so much better now. I have two children, aged 11 and 14 and, as a mum, I felt like I looked after everyone else first, and I was last on the priority list. Looking back, I didn’t look after myself at all. When I started LighterLife, I decided to make time for myself, just little things like having a leisurely soak in the bath or spending time on my own doing my hair, but it was something for me.

When I lost the weight I did a massive clearout, and it was so good to try all my old clothes that didn’t fit before, and buy new things, which massively boosted my confidence. I used to feel bad about myself – that there was no point in trying on clothes that I didn’t think would fit.

I also now do two exercise classes a week, which makes me feel good and is more time for myself. I’ve seen a couple of my husband’s friends since I lost the weight, and they’ve commented on how good I look. One of them even told him that he was punching above his weight now and that he needs to start going to the gym!

I am going to be going to our annual Christmas party again this year with my husband, and I already have my size eight, Jessica Rabbit dress picked out. There is no way I’ll be sitting at the table this year!”