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Jennifer lost 12 stone on TotalFast + reversed her Type 2 diabetes

Jennifer lost 12 stone and 4 pounds in 9 months

I wanted to change for a lot of reasons, I was embarrassed about my size, and I’ve struggled with my weight for over 20 years. My 8-year old daughter was subject to a lot of negativity from her peers at school and stopped eating bread because someone told her she’d “end up fat like her Mum.”

Relatives I didn’t see often looked at me with pity. People used to tut at me on trains because I took up more than one seat. And whilst on holiday I felt really uncomfortable on a family photoshoot. I didn’t fit into the aeroplane seat properly and had to have a seat belt extender. Not only did the air hostess have to force the armrest down until it was digging into me, she started telling me that it was all about life choices!

I also had type 2 diabetes and, after reading a book that made me think I could lose my feet, I had a ‘stroke-like event’ in February 2023 which I thought might kill me. So, I decided to join LighterLife again.

Why I chose LighterLife

Having done LighterLife back in 2013 and lost 6 stone before I got married, I then had a baby and put the weight back on, and then some! Even though I used to go to the gym and go swimming, I’ve been on various diets for 25 years and was even looking at bariatric surgery. The diet I would have had to follow afterwards reminded me of LighterLife a bit, and I knew LighterLife worked so I thought, why not?!

Mentoring and Mindfulness

What has really stood out for me throughout my journey, is the unwavering support I have received from my Mentor, Hazel. Also the speed of the weight loss results was immediately very encouraging. On top of that, the LighterLife Facebook community group is awesome, a real gamechanger, delivering all that it promises, with lots of help, support, and a real sense of belonging.

The CBT Mindfulness, Hot Topics, and Facebook live chats are excellent too. I’ve learned that everything is a choice, including self-sabotage. Mindfully considering actions and consequences leads to thinking about other solutions to problems beyond food.

Outside of LighterLife, my husband has been extremely supportive. My parents are delighted and so is my daughter.

Following the plan

During my first four days on TotalFast I was hungry. But after that I went into ketosis and wasn’t hungry anymore, so it got a lot easier. My absolute go-to product that I couldn’t do without is the Spicy Sweet Potato and Carrot Soup.

I started TotalFast on 3rd June 2023 and got to my goal weight on Sunday 31st March 2024 (just under 10 months) having lost 12 stone 4lbs. And now I’m moving on to the Management plan.

What’s changed for me now that I’m at my goal weight?

Before LighterLife I was a UK size 26, with size 8.5 feet. Now I’m a UK size 14 with size 7 feet, and can get back into my favourite size 14 coat, with a jumper on.

I went shopping for the first time in a decade. It was so weird. Lots of the size 14s were too big – I could pick up LITERALLY ANYTHING I wanted to try on. And not in fat shops either. It was surreal and exhausting and really very emotional, not to mention expensive! I have Levi’s now! I’ve never had a pair of expensive jeans – actually I’ve never really had a choice about what clothes I wear – it was always the least offensive option available. Now, I can choose and, even though this is all still very new, I’m starting to feel more confident.

What else? I can touch my toes, tie my shoes, walk uphill, wear jumpers, (I was always too sweaty before) dance, be impulsive, cut my toenails, shave my legs, fit in the bath, sleep peacefully without snoring, fit in chairs – without worrying they’ll break or I might get stuck. I also no longer have cracked skin on my feet.

How do I feel now?

So many things have improved for me – I got a new job, and even acquired a puppy as an incentive to move more and go on longer walks to maintain my goal weight. I have some beautiful clothes and shoes now; and I don’t feel paranoid about what people might be saying anymore either. While I still avoid socialising too much, my Mentor’s group has helped my confidence a lot. And the other parents at school and my colleagues have been very complimentary about my progress.

What have I learned?

Everything is a choice. Hazel is really good at helping me to remember how food is a transactional process and not an emotional crutch. Her WhatsApp group still supports and helps me to see things differently – the other people in the group are fantastic too, and I really appreciate them all.

Understanding that I’m not on my own is very reassuring. Feeling like other people have danced the same dance as me, and are still facing the same demons, is really eye-opening because, where other diet groups try and pretend participants aren’t struggling with food addiction – Hazel’s group has helped me to own up to these uncomfortable truths and face them head-on.

What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife

Do it!!! Do it today! Now! Show up for yourself and keep showing up for yourself. One of my fellow Lighterlifers told me on about my fourth week to put myself at the top of my own list, so I did. That helped me to realise that self-care isn’t selfish and meditation/sitting with discomfort whilst prioritising your own physical and mental health is the greatest first lesson in learning to actually change your life.

Go to bed early, drink water, and then more water, have paracetamol on hand for the first 4 days, and keep going. It’s hard, but it’s worth it and the results are fast and evident. IT WORKS! Keep reminding yourself why you want to lose weight and stick to prioritising what you want – sticking to plan will get you there, and always remember, you are never, ever on your own.