Whenever I attended weddings, parties and other social events, I always felt like I was wearing a tent rather than a nice dress and that I looked horrible. I’d try to hide behind others in group photos and wouldn’t let anyone take photos of me other than of my head and shoulders because I hated seeing pictures of myself. I was very ashamed and embarrassed by my appearance.
I was struggling to get up and down stairs, walk my dogs and I would become quite breathless, even when walking on the flat – I couldn’t walk and talk at the same time.
More importantly, as a healthcare professional, I was very aware of the impact that being very overweight could have on my health – I did not want to have hypertension, heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, or to develop type 2 diabetes.
Why I chose LighterLife
I’d been struggling with my weight since the birth of my first child, nearly 30 years ago and had tried numerous diets during this time, too many to count. My weight hampered my ability to exercise properly as well. With such a lot of weight to lose I felt very daunted by how long it would take me to lose it with any other diet.
Having lost a lot of weight very quickly 20 years ago with LighterLife, I knew it would work for me again. That was a huge motivator, even though I realised what I’d be giving up and how this would impact my life while I was on the programme.
What also tipped the balance is the CBT Mindfulness support, which is unique to LighterLife. That support helped me work on changing my mindset around food and the challenges it presents me.
Mentoring and Mindfulness
My Mentor, Tracey and our group encouraged me to explore and really think about my relationship with food, how I would turn to and use it in many different situations. I’m now much more self-aware and can make better choices because, “If hunger is not the problem, food is not the solution.”
The weekly CBT Mindfulness sessions also made me realise I will have to continue to work at this for the rest of my life. LighterLife teaches you that successful weight loss and Management isn’t only about food, it’s a lifestyle choice.
I had lots of support from my family and friends all the way through my weight loss. Tracey’s private WhatsApp group was a good way of keeping in touch with other LighterLife members in between our group meetings as well. All this support meant I remained focused on my goal and made me accountable. Knowing that you are not alone is also very reassuring.

Following the plan
During my first 4 days on TotalFast I did feel hungry but once I was in ketosis that feeling disappeared. My favourite Foodpacks are the Banana Shake, Shepherd’s Pie, and the Salted Caramel Bar. I’d always begin my day with a Banana Shake, it’s just like having a bowl of banana custard!
I started my LighterLife TotalFast journey on 7 November 2022 and lost 7 stone and then was ready to move onto the Management plan.
The rate of weight loss is a big motivation to keep going and I found having only 4 Foodpacks a day makes it very easy to stick to plan, as I didn’t feel hungry and only had a few choices to make.
I feel so much better when on LighterLife, both mentally and physically. And receiving some very positive reactions from friends and family members, whom I only saw occasionally during my weight loss, also encouraged me to keep going as I knew the next time I saw them I’d be even slimmer!
How do I feel now?
I love going shopping with friends and family and trying on clothes in the shops rather than just ordering online. Having gone from a size 22 to now having some size 6 items in my wardrobe feels amazing! I am wearing more colourful and varied styles because I feel so much more confident in how I look. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed by my size any more.
I can now run up and down stairs and walk much faster for longer with my dogs and family. On a recent holiday in Cornwall with my husband, I even suggested going for some long coastal walks, something that would have been unheard of in the past! I’ve also started doing Parkrun and joined a local Pilates class, neither of which I would nor could have done before losing weight.
As my confidence has increased I’m now much keener to socialise. I’ve made several new friends through walking my dogs and my Pilates class which has led to more social events – I now feel more alive.
What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife
Definitely do it! If you are finding it difficult, just take it one day at a time. Remember why you’re doing this, keep your end goal in mind, and think about how much happier and healthier you will be when you reach your goal.