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Debbie lost 5st 10lb stone in 5 months with TotalFast

“Why do you look younger than you are? Why is your age going backwards?” After losing nearly 6 stone back in 2007, 16 years later I’m still feeling fantastic – and my grand-daughter thinks I’m magic!

Having tried every diet you can think of over the years, including ones from other diet companies, the cabbage soup diet, and even pills, nothing really worked. And with my daughter’s wedding on the horizon, I was getting quite despondent as I just didn’t want to be seen in the photos. Then I heard about LighterLife.

Why I chose LighterLife

To be honest, the programme seemed too good to be true but I thought I would give it a go. What stood out for me was not having to choose what to eat other than the Foodpacks, bars, and shakes. It meant more of a controlled way of eating.

My first week was good as I was so excited about starting my plan. Yes, I was a little bit hungry on the first day, but that feeling soon disappeared as I got into the programme. And my favourite LighterLife Peanut Bars and Porridge Fastpots made it easier.

Having a Mentor really helped

I met Alicia at my first group session in 2007. Unlike other diet companies, our group was smaller and we were all in the same boat. You get to know people really well and it’s not about what you have or haven’t eaten, or who lost or who put on weight, it’s about mutually supporting each other.

Alicia joined the group with me and now she’s my Mentor and gives me one-to-one support. I honestly don’t know what l would have done without her over the years. She’s always available if I’m having a wobble, and she always encourages me.

Although the weekly CBT Mindfulness sessions and hot topics can feel a bit strange to start with, they all make a lot of sense. And we all take different things away from the meetings. I also like that there’s support outside our group sessions – on Facebook with the live sessions and LighterLife communities, for example.

Following the plan

I started my LighterLife TotalFast plan journey in April 2007 and lost 5 stone 10 lbs in the first 5 months. And although I’ve been a bit up and down since then, I’m always able to keep things under control thanks to the weekly meetings and the Management plan.

How do I feel now?

I love looking better, feeling healthier, and having more confidence in everything I do.

Before LighterLife, I would turn things down but now I go swimming regularly, and if I want to go away, I can just go without worrying what I’m going to wear.  I still love wearing black but that’s just me. And it feels amazing to be able to go into any shop and buy clothes. Although it felt quite strange getting used to not picking up a size 18!

Debbie’s Top Tip

If you’re wondering whether or not to give LighterLife a go, I would say do it today, you won’t look back. You need to be committed to your plan, but you can still take each day as it comes. And don’t beat yourself up if you slip up.

Congratulations to Debbie – 16 years maintaining her weight loss and still looking amazing – check her out on the front cover of our latest Mini Mag!