Your wedding photos last a lifetime
Everyone wants to look their best on their wedding day. The blushing bride, the nervous groom, not to mention proud parents, bridesmaids, ushers, page boys and the best man!
Wedding photos are one of the few times that a professional photographer will help catch the memories of your big day. All that planning, and it goes by in a haze – the photos are there so you can see what granny did on the bouncy castle, or what your kid brother was doing behind the hedge!
Those memories will stay with you for a lifetime – many people bring out their photos, or the video on their wedding anniversary year after year; show it to the kids who laugh at the hairstyles and the fashions and reminisce about the people who are no longer around.
For some it is the beginning of a life together, for others it is legalising the fact that they have been sharing their lives together for some time.
You can read Stella’s story here
Losing weight for your big day
Losing weight for the wedding, so you can be the best you can be may be important for the bride or groom….and all the other guests.
Whatever you choose for your big day – remember that you can lose a stone a month with LighterLife’s TotalFast plan, so you can wear the dress or suit of your dreams – and feel like a million dollars.
Marriage is for ‘as long as you both shall live’ – looking after your weight is the same. There is some belief that thin people just stay thin, in the same way, some believe that you don’t have to work at a successful marriage.
You can read Zoe’s story here
The secret to staying slim
People who don’t appear to have a weight problem watch what they eat – they don’t see it as a punishment or a restriction, in fact they may well say ‘I can eat anything I want to’. They don’t mean they can eat masses lots of the time, they mean that when they want to they will eat chips and chocolate and cheese, they just don’t eat them all the time in huge portions. They balance their intake perhaps without even thinking about it; they may well say that as they have had a heavy weekend they will cut back for a few days – they don’t like the feeling of being too full, or the tight waistband.
Those who have lost weight have to learn that skill – to start with, it feels strange, but you become good at it if you keep working at it. It may seem strange to be married at first – but you will have a good marriage too if you keep working at it. Nothing that is worthwhile comes without effort.
You can read Natalie’s story here
How LighterLife can help you lose weight
LighterLife’s weight loss and management plans are the result of decades of research and practical experience in helping more than 400,000 people lose weight. We understand that losing weight isn’t just about what you eat, but about your whole relationship with food. That’s why our unique combination of mindfulness and a very-low-calorie diet is what makes our approach so effective.
You can read Katrina’s story here
So what are you waiting for? Search for your nearest Mentor here and start your wedding weight loss journey today.