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Obesity and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: How to improve your liver

We are told that being overweight or obese brings additional health risks. But did you know that one of those risks is fatty liver disease? Many people think liver disease is something that only chronic heavy drinkers suffer from, but obese people are far more likely to have a different medical issue, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

What is NAFLD?

NAFLD is the medical condition in which you have excessive amounts of fat inside your liver, although other than that, no obvious damage has usually occurred.

The good news is that if you have NAFLD without any other medical problems, you generally don’t need any special treatment because making some lifestyle changes are proven to help control or indeed reverse the excess fat build-up in your liver.

How you can improve your Livers’ health.

The good news for dieters is that published research data shows that for 30 patients with NAFLD who completed a study using a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) Total Dietary Replacement (TDR) for up to 12 weeks, followed by a tailored food reintroduction period and then a weight maintenance period up until 9 months, there were significant improvements in liver health; cardiovascular disease risk (i.e. blood pressure reductions); metabolic health including fasting glucose and insulin; body composition; and quality of life scores, all of which were maintained at  9 months.

Additionally scientific researchers from the Karolinksa Institute in Sweden have demonstrated that for individuals using a 5:2 diet, there was a higher reduction in both liver fat and body weight when compared with conventional food based restrictive diets.


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