Easter can be a lovely time of year. Warmer weather is on the horizon, and lighter evenings are here to stay. But with all the local supermarkets stocking up on Easter treats – chocolate eggs, hot cross buns – we see an increase in temptation pulling us away from reaching our goal weight. For those who want to lose weight it does mean there’s an increase in the likelihood of stumbling at this hurdle and sabotaging your progress so far.
Your goal should be your focus
Easter is often seen as a time for new beginnings, another New Year if you will. When you sign up to LighterLife you too decide to make a fresh start. Wherever you are in your weight-loss journey, being mindful can help you be more aware of what and why you are eating, help you challenge that voice in your head that might be saying unhelpful things ‘It’s not fair, everyone is having chocolate, poor me, I deserve Easter eggs too’. Are you likely to regret acting on those thoughts, sometimes even asking yourself afterwards ‘Why did I do that?

Join our Facebook family!
The LighterLife community means there will be people to share the experiences and help you create the structure and support you need. The weekly meetings with your personal Mentor are a great place to explore ‘crooked thinking’ and find other coping mechanisms and asking yourself ‘Is it food I really need or do I have some other way of coping?’
It’s mindful thinking that will help you get off the dieting roundabout, deal with that voice in your head that has sabotaged your weight loss goals in the past and help you understand more about your triggers and develop your skills for success.
Change is possible
Let’s make 2024 the year to break old unhelpful eating habits and create new ones for a healthier future.
By the way, LighterLife chocolate shake, bars, mug cake, chocolate smoothie and our sticking toffee pudding are a great way to get that sweet fix and you won’t regret it. Mindfully savour every mouthful and make the most of it.
Our Mentors are ready to support you and will offer you CBT Mindfulness sessions, help, advice, understanding and guidance, to keep you focused during the Easter holiday.
To find your nearest Mentor click here.