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I’ve learned what goes into your head matters far more than what goes into your mouth.

In 2025, my wife and I will have been married for 40 years. I want to give her back the same man she married (in weight).

Why did I choose LighterLife?

I’d tried all sorts of diets before losing weight successfully with LighterLife in 2007. So, I decided to start it again in July 2023, in preparation for our ruby wedding anniversary.

I know the programme works in terms of losing weight, quickly by going into ketosis, alongside the weekly CBT mindfulness sessions and 1 to 1 Mentor support.

Mentoring and Mindfulness

My Mentor, Tracey, provided brilliant support, comfort, encouragement, and challenges on a weekly basis. I believe it’s essential to attend the weekly group meetings. Even if I was feeling low in spirit, the camaraderie in our group was helpful.

And I loved doing the plan with my wife as we could empathise and support each other.

Outside LighterLife, I found the Overeaters Anonymous 12-step programme immensely helpful with its tools, principles, traditions, meetings, and sponsor.

Following the plan

I originally started TotalFast on 01 July 2023 and by 31 December 2023 I’d lost 5 stone. I can still recall my first week on plan, when I felt full of energy, and I still love all the Shakes, especially the Vanilla Shake.

What’s changed for me now that I’ve lost my weight?

My eye opener was the way my friends described feeling like they’d lost me due to my weight loss.

I had to get a whole new wardrobe – everything had to go, apart from socks and a few pairs of pants! Now I do daily workouts and run 4-5 times a week as well. I start my day early to make sure I get my fitness work in.

Overall, my self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image have improved considerably. I had my blood pressure taken recently and was delighted when the nurse told me it was perfect.

What have I learned?

I’ve learned what goes into your head matters far more than what goes into your mouth.

At my heaviest a number of years ago, I weighed 30 stone. This time I believe I’ve got to the root cause of why, and I’ve taken ownership of that. The CBT sessions allowed me to focus on the real issues, which I can now pin down to my childhood.

What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife.

Stick to the 12 weeks TotalFast programme, and then complete the 6 weeks Management programme, which I found fantastic for identifying trigger foods and balancing portion control.

Go to the weekly CBT Mindfulness sessions and check in weekly with your Mentor.

It works if you work at it and commit to it – and you are worth it.