Fed up with feeling out of breath and unable to keep up with her children, Donna came back to LighterLife in hope of losing weight to feel more energic. Now 8 stone lighter she’s looking and feeling better than ever.
I have tried lots of diets in the past, but nothing worked for me. I did the LighterLife Programme in 2011 and lost 6 stone, so I knew I could do it again and lose weight successfully.
I started the LighterLife Programme in February 2021. The first few days were hard, but I was so determined to lose weight, I stuck at it. The weekly losses helped keep me motivated and I now promote it to anyone that will listen!
The CBT Mindfulness group sessions are amazing and my Mentor, Emma has been so supportive and helped me to identify why I overeat. I realised that I eat for all the reasons you shouldn’t, boredom, distraction, and particularly when I’m stressed.
Since losing weight with LighterLife, I have so much more energy, running around after my kids without getting out of breath or hearing my joint clicking. It’s amazing and I now sleep so much better than I ever did before.
My wardrobe has also completely changed. It is now so colourful and full of dresses and skirts; I even have lacy knickers!
We know losing weight can be tough, that’s why we have lots of support to help you on your journey. Get in touch with your personal Mentor by doing a postcode search here or emailing findmymentor@lighterlife.com